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Дракар (русский текст)
You All Believe Me
I Stood On The Shores
Vampire's Justice
Gammel Sara
Standing Shadow
All The Way You Feel
Vacant Eternity
Dual Wielding
Es Ist Ja Krieg (с русским переводом)
The Wonderful Adventure Of James Sunderland In Silent Hill
Showing Decorum
The Deadlock/When One Becomes Two
Weakened And Pale
Another Pink In The Brick



do you ever dream
of snowbound shores?
do you ever dream
of cliffs in hoars?
do you ever dream
of brine so landless?
of floes ever-cracking? 
of thickets endless?
do you ever dream
of vikings with glaives
with mighty shoulders
bespread with snowflakes?
of Boreas' snowy 
streaks in the air
or are they Valkyrs'
long wild hair?
do you hear visas*
neat and daedal, 
woven by Hroft's** 
very own needle?
waking at morn
do you still weep
and pray to Odin
going to sleep:
"to fjords and floes
make me return
return me to vikings
dauntless and stern
i'd be glad with Drakkar
made of dead men's nails***
if only from lands
of the fathers it sails
i'll go to Valhalla**** 
from the battle rough
i sleep every night
but the dream's not enough."
do you ever dream
of snowbounded shores?..
do you ever dream
of cliffs in hoars?..
*visa is a genre of scandinavian literature, a poetic cobweb woven so neatly that it makes one pretty much untranslatable. As Odin is a father and a main judge of art, it is for his ears that all the poetry and songs are meant for in the first place, and what has left him unmoved will reach no listener’s heart. 
**Hroft is one of Odin’s uncountable names.
***Naglfar, a ship made of dead men’s nails, will appear when Ragnarøk, the end of the world, comes. 
****To Valhalla, the house of Odin, will go all warriors fallen in battle.

Дракар (русский текст)


снится ли тебе
берег заснеженный?
снится ли тебе 
море безбрежное?
снятся ли тебе
льдины трескучие?
скалы отвесные?
леса дремучие?
снятся ли тебе
викинги с копьями,
с плечами, усыпанными
снежными хлопьями?
ветра северного
снежные полосы,
словно валькирий
дикие волосы?
помнишь ли висы*
искусно сплетённые,
Хрофтом** самим
когда-то сложённые?
плачешь ли, снова
ото сна просыпаясь?
молишь ли Одина,
спать отправляясь:
"верни мне ветер
и льдины трескучие!
верни мне викингов
плечи могучие!
пусть даже дракар***
из ногтей мертвецов,
но пусть он ждёт меня
на земле отцов!
пусть будет битва,
а после – Вальгалла****,
я сплю каждый день,
но снов мне мало."
снится ли тебе
берег заснеженный?..
снится ли тебе 
море безбрежное?..
*виса – жанр скандинавской литературы, крайне хитросплетённое стихотворное произведение, практически непереводимое на русский язык. Поскольку Один является покровителем и главным ценителем искусства, именно его ушам в первую очередь предназначены все стихи и песни, и то, что не произвело на него впечатления, не тронет сердце и всех остальных слушателей.
**Хрофт – одно из многочисленных имён Одина.
***Нагльфар, корабль из ногтей мертвецов, появится, когда наступит Рагнарёк, конец света.
****В Вальгаллу, дворец Одина, попадают воины, павшие в битве.

You All Believe Me


Now trust is not the feature of my attitudes
Just no one catches the treasure of my memories,
Trapped in their own
No one can see now what I show
You all believe but you never really know
What is what you believe in
Skull is the cage that don't let your eyes out
Try not to look, and only hear and touch
Some eyes shine, but even the iron shines in the sun 
In the sun, in the sun



Surujoki, soopelin maa
mustavirta hirvien suosta
harmaa usva vourin siimeksessä
Surujoki, loikon sadessa,
Surujoki, loikon sadessa
Surujoki, milloin palaan?
Missä minä oleskelen tänään?
Sama taivas on minun yllä.
Surujoki, soitan sinulle,
Surujoki, soitan sinulle.
Ihmisen kyynel, hopeinen tovi.
Surujoki, syntymähovi...
Surujoki, syntymähovi...



In silver stream the leaves are falling
The autumn came
The empty wood is left to ruining wind
The naked trunks heartbreakingly humming
The dungeon's cold
The beauty I once loved is gone
I saw you beautiful like a star far in space
Why all the fury, I will find out later, further on
I saw you beautiful, God-like
I saw you beautiful, never fade, never fade
The stream is cold and fast like time
And deep like grief
The rings from fallen tears don't reach the bottom
And never more will Earth see thy beauty
So cry, the Earth
You never will replace the loss
I saw it beautiful like a star far in space
Why all the fury, I will find out later, further on
I saw it beautiful, God-like
I saw it beautiful, never fade, never fade
(Into dust 
 all will rot however unfair
And time
 always has too little to spare
In fact
 we are just awaiting for thee
Our death
 to mourn all we knew and be cleared
The divine end 
 will be our sooth
In our turn
 we will be mourned by thee
Our life)
I saw you beautiful like a star
Why all the fury, I will find out later, further on
I saw you beautiful, God-like
I saw you beautiful, never fade
(Into ice 
 all will melt however unfair
And time
 always has too little to spare
In fact
 we are waiting for thee
Our death
 as loss always brings the grief
The divine end, our fear 
Into stone
 it will turn however unfair
Our life)

I Stood On The Shores


i stood on the shores at abyss' doors
amid the piles of bones
stood on the steep and acclivous shores
covered with white stones
i turned my eyes to crimson skies
crimson to the edge
turned my thoughts to one-eyed god's
sympathy and rage
ashen rain, efforts in vain
a little less faith to remain
who do we trust in our nights of last
whom do we listen to?
do we still loathe taking an oath
of little mistletoe?
thunder god wandered abroad
he's still there, so i have heard
the strength of roots surpasses far
the strengthes of stone and steel
the weight of boots is heavy on grass
the weight of boot and wheel
Sif the fair cuts her hair
in hope to seed the weald
the sight of scorches she can't bear
she nurses them to yield
ashen rain, efforts in vain
only faith is to remain

Vampire's Justice


Sand in my veins, and my eyes are swampy
Life is my gift - which one? Which one? Which one?

Gammel Sara

(Swedish traditional)

Måndan gick jag mig åt skogen
skar mig hem e björkslöja om tisdan.
Basa jag upp Gammel-Sara om onsdan
 ho låg dör stendöder om torsdan.
Fredan lät jag både grava å ringa
som bönderna pläga göra.
Och om lördan lät jag Gammel-Sara svepa
och om söndagen till kyrkan släpa.
Klockarn gav jag en kanna öl och en kringla
för han skulle både sjunga och ringa.
Prästen gav jag en svartbrokiga kulla 
för han skulle Gammel-Sara bemulla.

Standing Shadow



Deyr ,

deyja frændur,

deyr sjálfur sama.

Eg veit einn,

aldrei deyr;

dуmur um dauðan hvern.

                      (Hávamál, Sæmundar Edda)

Loki he has burnt the house with my friend inside
Christian priests have sung the hymns honest and upright
Were caskets closed, and picture with a name
There candles glowed for Loki and his flame
Many friends were there to mourn, many people cried
Christian priests have said their words of experienced delight
For each of us - three palms of clay 
For each of us - three words to say
For each of us - three graves to leave
For each of us - his own belief
Growling (on behalf of The Shadow): 
(Light, the serene air
Chains in my dark hair
I stray with my shut eyes
Strong in my demise)

All The Way You Feel


Night or the afternoon makes inner creature die?
Try to recall the moon you saw with your sunken eye
And softly reach your fingers inside
It's there, it's you
You knew them all before you met them,
Felt it all before it happened
Rhyme what you feel to match up
And sing what you feel is great
And all the way you feel
And all the way you feel
And all the way you feel
And all the way you feel
And softly reach your fingers inside
It's there, it's you
You knew them all before you met them,
Felt it all before it happened
And all the way you feel, all the way you feel
And all the way you feel, and all the way you feel

Vacant Eternity


all systems shut down
all mortals gone
no one escaped
all life's erased
tv has died
and now i'm alone
here is my last home
just few more days
and all shades of past will fade
now universe
talks just to me
vacant eternity
that's only music
that i will take with me
in my vacant eternity

Dual Wielding


Conjuring life which is really source of life 
With ancient trees all around me 
There is still death  
Around me, inside me 
There is still death around 
And when I feel love that's really kind of true 
With no foul thing that could reach it 
There is still death  
Around me, inside me 
There is still death around 
There is still death  
Around me, inside me 
There is still death around 
And in a well of a nightmare, full of bones 
Within one wall of those creatures 
There is still life 
Around me, inside me 
There is still life around 
There is still life  
Around me, inside me 
There is still life  
Around me, inside me 

Es Ist Ja Krieg

(Das Ich)

frei und sorglos
im schilf am teich
ich sitzend
denk an ruhm und herrlichkeit
aufgescheucht von meiner regung
vogelscharen weiterzieh`n...
der sonnenstrahl mich mude macht
ich glaub ich schlaf jetzt ein...
in weiter ferne ein schuss ertont
ich springe auf
und erschrocken sehe ich
es ist ja krieg
русский подстрочный перевод (Yutah):
в одиночестве и покое
в камышах на берегу пруда
я сижу,
размышляя о славе и знаменитости,
напуганный собственными мыслями,
стая птиц уже вдалеке…
солнечные лучи изнуряют меня.
кажется, я засыпаю… 
в далёких папоротниках раздаётся выстрел,
я вздрагиваю
и в ужасе понимаю – 
это и вправду война

The Wonderful Adventure Of James Sunderland In Silent Hill





the hazel grove where i have never been
oh hazel grove which i have never seen
the hazel grove where i could never hope to die
i'll meet my death among the Nothern pines
the hazel grove of which my memories speak 
the hazel grove which i will never seek
linden, elm and oak of which the falktales talk
deciduous woods of which all storytellers spoke
ahh - 
green groves
green shades
green crowns
green paint
green strokes
green dream
sunlights on the green

Showing Decorum


Stiff, made of stone and steel, cynical
Spitting truths and lies
Plots, every word coming out with my very guts and pulling to shreds
Ripping the guts out and pulling to shreds
Trust, etherical trust, expressions of malice and content,
Everwaiting to be sacrificed
Lost in the mightmares and vomiting pain that cracks every cell
Ripping the heart out and pulling to shreds
All desperate tries, contempt is all I ever get outside and inside 
No hope from both sides, certain death
And you speak of points...

The Deadlock/When One Becomes Two

(Won't Heal - Yutah/Alien)

It's been so long
Now I can rest
In the end
It's like I never lived
No memory remained
No traces left
Could be just once
Now my time is gone
So why cling on
It was so real
We could survive
You know you know
You know
You know each time we didn't break down
We were the Gods
We were the Gods
Why did it end the way it did?



Drank half of the river
The sand burns in my mouth
Undead on the bottom
I'm chasing the ships travelling South

Weakened And Pale

(Yutah/Won't Heal)

We will be in a vile darkness, we'll pick all the mushrooms
We will beat up enemies, we'll see the leaves on the pines
We will take what's ours and escape
Yellow and blue,
Ghosts are crowding you
Your hair traps wings,
Wings of shadows
And we can't fail
[weakened and pale
thickened veins]
Yellow and blue,
Ghosts are crowding you
Your hair traps wings of the shadows
And we can't fail
We will be in a vile darkness, we'll pick all the mushrooms
We will beat up enemies, we'll see the leaves on the pines
We will take what's ours and escape

Another Pink In The Brick





Antaa virrata sateen
Pian se hahmoja nostattaa
Kun luonnonhelma henkii
Verettömiä utulintuja
Kuin häilyviä perhoja
Väreilisi pinta maan
Niin auer hiljaa vierii
Viljan yllä laineilee



i am nailing you to 
the little white cross
making black holes  
in your beautiful hands
White cross would be  
sacred enough
And tiny silver nails  
for you, my love
   All the best for you my love
   And all sacred things for you my love
But nothing on earth is tender enough
And nothing on earth is sacred enough
tiny silver nails are all over me
i'm killing myself to let you go free



Spending me on greedy nights downloading, loading
i'm ecletic like Com Lag and floating, floating
are the world and its contains my cronies?
i can skin you with my bare hands
if you dare touch my friends
so you better grab your skin and be my cronies 
a musician should be a teaser
but that's no rule for Brendan and Lisa
Jeff really thrills you
Thom really kills you
and I, what is the meaning of me?
my Russian naivety and Bjorkish appearance 
is it among my cronies?
...spending years on charity uploading, loading
will those wankers ever be my cronies?
are they my...?
are they among my...?
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